King's Biography(Hero Former King)

This section contains some useful information related to the Royal Family. The information includes brief background of the king and the queen.

Short Background of

His Majesty Preah Bat Samdech Preah Norodom Sihanouk


1922: Born October 31 in Phnom Penh, son of HM Norodom Suramarit and HM Sisowath Kossamak Nearireath.

1941: Becomes reigning monarch, succeeding King Monivong.

1946: Attends his first meeting with French President Charles de Gaulle. Begins studies at military college in Saumur, France.

1953: Realizes fundamental ambition as France grants Cambodia independence after nearly a century of colonial rule. Kingdom of Cambodia formally established.

1954: Hosts Nehru's first visit to Cambodia.

1955: Abdicates throne. Succeeded by his father, HM Norodom Suramarit. Creates 'Sangkum Reastr Niyum' political movement and is swept to power as Prime Minister in subsequent Cambodian election. Receives his first visit from China's Chou En-lai.


1956: Visits Yugoslavia for his first meeting with Tito. Does some with China and Mao Tse-tung. Becomes fifth charter signatory to the declaration from which emerged the Non-Aligned Nations.

1970: Deposed by Lon Nol. From Beijing and Pyongyang, heads National United Front of Kampuchea (FUNK) opposition against Lon Nol government.

1975: Following Khmer Rouge takeover of Cambodia, returns to Phnom Penh, but is effectively under house arrest at Royal Palace.

1981: Becomes president of the National United Front for an Independent, Neutral, Peaceful and Cooperative Cambodia (FUNCINPEC).

1987: Begins first peace talks with Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen.

1989: Awarded honorary doctorate by the l'Universite d'Aix-Marseille, France.

1991: Returns to Phnom Penh after playing prominent role in talks leading to Paris Peace Agreements.

1993: Reinvested as King - with the title HM Preah Bat Samdech Preah Norodom Sihanouk Varman - as Cambodia becomes constitutional monarchy, after undergoing UN-sponsored elections. His son, Prince Ranariddh, elected First Prime Minister. Makes periodic trips to Beijing for medical tests and treatment.

Short Background of

Her Majesty Preah Reach Akka-Mohèsey Norodom Monineath Sihanouk

Miss Ouk, young Khmer lady from Phnom Penh, Maternal Grandmother of Her Majesty the Queen, was married to His Royal Highness Prince Norodom Duongchak, eldest son of His Majesty King Norodom.

From this marriage two children were born:

* His Highness Prince Norodom Ratharasy, who was the first Cambodian Doctor and who died in the years 40s.
* Her Highness Princess Phaypheak, who died in the years 50s.

Madame Ouk married for the second time, Mr. Peang, a Khmer, and had two other children:


Miss Pomme Peang, born in 1904 and deceased in 1991, mother of Her Majesty Queen Monineath.
* Mr. Hell Peang, born in 1906 and deceased in the years 60s.

Miss Pomme Peang married Mr. Oum Phankeo, Khmer, son of Major Oum.
From this marriage five children were born:


Mr. Oum Mannorine, born in 1924, currently Ambassador of Cambodia to the People's Democratic Republic of Korea.

Mr. Oum Vinavuth, born in 1925, Officer of the Royal Khmer Army, fallen on the battlefield, killed by the Vietminhs in 1948, in Kampot.
* Miss Oum Narivan, born in 1926, deceased in 1945.
* Mr. Oum Sorak Santhan, born in 1927, killed by Pol Pot in 1978.

Miss Oum Sophanith, born in 1928, married to Mr. Ieu Pannakar (son of H.E. Ieu Koeus, President of the National Assembly of Cambodia in the years 40s) Mr. Ieu Pannakar is currently a Senator.

Madame Pomme Peang married for a second time Mr. Jean-François Izzi French of Italian origin, Director of Crédit Foncier.
They had two daughters:


Miss Anne-Marie Izzi, born in 1934, married to H.R.H. Prince Sisowath Methavi, youngest brother of Prince Sisowath Sirikmatak. They had six children. Prince and Princess Sisowath Methavi were killed by Pol Pot in 1978.

Miss Paule Monique Izzi, born on 18 June 1936, married to His Majesty King Norodom Sihanouk in April 1952. She was given the title of Neak Moneang.

His Majesty the King and Neak Moneang Monique have two sons:


His Royal Highness Prince Norodom Sihamoni, born on 14 May 1953, who has been given the title of Sdech Krom Khun by His Majesty the King in 1994, and currently Ambassador of Cambodia to UNESCO in Paris.

His Royal Highness Prince Norodom Narindrapong, born on 18 September 1954. Married to a Cambodian, he has two daughters.

Her Majesty the Queen did her primary and secondary studies in Cambodia (Primary School Norodom, Sisowath High School, Descartes High School). She was President of the Cambodian Red Cross (CRC) towards the end of the years 60s, and is currently the CRC Honorary President.


Languages: Apart from Khmer, Her Majesty the Queen speaks French and English.

On February 22, 1992, Her Majesty the Queen was elevated by His Majesty the King to the rank of Samdech Preah Cheayea.

On September 24, 1993, His Majesty the King elevated Her to the rank of Samdech Preah Mohèsey Norodom Monineath Sihanouk of Cambodia.

On January 02, 1996, His Majesty the King elevated Her to the rank of Samdech Preah Reach Akka Mohèsey.

Her Majesty the Queen was given the Grand Cross of the Royal Order of Cambodia by His Majesty the King.

NOTE: The grandmother and mother of Her Majesty the Queen were always very close to Their Royal Highnesses Prince and Princess Norodom Sutharot, as well as to Their Majesties King Norodom Suramarit and Queen Sisowath Kossomak, grandparent and parents of His Majesty King Norodom Sihanouk, who knew thus Queen Monineath, ever since her birth.

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